Thursday 8 December 2011

Learning Maya: Building a truck

For the animation module we have to model and animate a 3-D model of a toy using Maya. To start off, we practiced by modelling a truck.

We used a step by step guide to create this, using a variety of modeling tools to create the shapes and connect them together.

We created the front of the truck by creating a cube and splitting the face using the insert edge loop too, we then altered the edge to go inwards, making the front shape.

We then created the back of the truck by creating a cube and using the scale tool to make it smaller. After that we snapped it to the front part of the truck using the translate tool. We then used the bevel tool to smooth out the corners of the back, making it curved.

We created an axle by making a simple cylinder, translating it so it is thin, and snapping it onto the chassis of the truck. We then make another cylinder and snapped it to the end of the axle to act as a wheel. We then duplicated the wheel and translated it to the other side of the truck.

Finally, we grouped together the two wheels and axle so we could duplicate them all. We then translated the copy to the back of the truck and snapped it together. We then lengthened the back wheels for better design and we finished!

I learnt a lot about Maya through the making of this truck, It is a lot harder than I thought and I found it a little stressful to work with, however with due time I am sure I will get used to it and speed up my working speed.