Thursday 15 May 2014

Shaun McGlinn (Blordow)

With only roughly two weeks to go I was skeptical whether I could find someone to compose a soundtrack for me. I knew that it was too late to contact the music college for help So I began looking for a paid solution.

I knew that Newgrounds was a good source of creative individuals and that there was a way to get good visibility from a post with the front page post system. o I posted an advertisement for my animation, saying that I would be a paid job.

After a single day I got around 7-8 people interested in my project. I eventually settled with a musician called Shaun McGlinn (Blordow) I got in contact with him through Skype and we quickly settled payment and what style of music I wanted in the animation. He then proceeded to work very quickly through the project, finishing the soundtrack on only just over a week.

I am very happy with the music he has produced and I feel I handled our interaction very well.

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